Playable Characters: Michael, Trevor 

Our story starts on a cold winter's day in North Yankton, the ice capital of America. Fabulous Theft Auto 5 burns through no time, throwing you promptly into the warmth of a heist in progress. With merciless proficiency, a triplet of concealed outlaws attack the workplaces of a reinforced vehicle organization, Bobcat Security . The group chief is a prepared hoodlum named Michael Townley, and his accomplices are Trevor Philips and Brad Snider. 

Tie up the gatekeeper. 

This initial mission capacities as a surprisingly realistic instructional exercise that shows you the rudiments of development, controlling articles, focusing on and shooting, driving vehicles, and other regular game exercises. 

It additionally acquaints you with Michael and Trevor, two of the game's three primary characters. 

You control Michael as the scene opens. Your first target shows up at the lower part of the screen. 

Note that "monitor" is in red letters. Cerlain words in the onscreen target text are shading coded to coordinate the blips on your radar show in the lower-left corner. ln this case, the gatekeeper you need to tie up (set apart as a red blip on the radar) is only a couple feet away. Just st.ep through thd security entryway to trigger a snappy cutscene: Your character, Michael, ties the watchman's hands behind-his back. 

Focus on the prisoners to make them move. Trevor heads through the ways to fasten plastic explosives to the vault entryway. Your next errand is to crowd the prisoners into the back storeroom. To do as such, press the control demonstrated onscreen to point your weapon, at that point utilize the regulator stick to focus on every prisoner and persuade them to withdraw into the storeroom. 

Utilize the telephone to trigger touchy charges. 

Presently follow the headings shown onscreen to raise your telephone, see its contact list, and select "Explode" to trigger the plastic explosives. Watch the vault impact open. 

Go to the vault and gather the money. 

Push through the swinging doors and take a left into the foyer, following the yellow objective blip on your radar to the disregarded vault, at that point head for the cash (set apart as a green blip on your radar) stacked in the corner. This triggers a fast cutscene as Michael and Trevor gather up the money. 

At the point when the scene closes, follow Trevor out of the vault. This triggers another cutscene: A bold (and silly) safety officer gets the drop on Michael. 

The watchman yanks off Michael's ski cover and claims he'll recollect his face. This prompts Michael to react: "You fail to remember 1,000 things consistently. You should 'ensure this would one say one is of them?" 

(We quote Michael's reaction here in light of the fact that it will be significant later in the story.) 

Change to Trevor and take out the watchman. 

Time to make your first character switch. Hold down the control button showed onscreen to raise a little presentation wheel in the lower-right corner. This shows the characters accessible for exchanging. 

The one featured on the left half of the wheel is Michael, who you as of now control. To change to Trevor, hold holding down the control, at that point push the control adhere to one side, featuring Trevor in the presentation wheel. Delivery the two controls and you quickly pop'over to assume responsibility for Trevor. As Trevor, point and focus on the safety officer's head. You can press the control demonstrated onscreen to zoom while pointing. At the point when you get the shot you need, pull the trigger. Attempt to nail the watchman with a solitary headshot. 

Will cover. 

In the wake of freeing Michael, follow your two accomplices down the corridor to the following objective blip on your radar. At the point when you arrive at the stamped spot, press the Cover button on your regulator to hide behind the case. Brad at that point consequently sets a charge on the bolted leave entryway. Stand by until it explodes, at that point leave cover two distinct approaches to do this are shown onscreen. 

Open the screen entryway. 

Finish your accomplices the impacted entryway. Push toward the green blip on your radar that denotes the area of a control switch for the screen leave entryway. Basically approach the switch-Trevor consequently hits it to open the screen. 

Departure the cops. 

Hustle outside and quickly seek shelter behind one of the help pillars to one side. Cops are all over! From cover, begin pointing and shooting. One great strategy is to flank the police by moving around the Bobcat Security defensively covered vehicles on the left half of the parking garage. When the parcel is cleared, move to the huge leave entryway where more cops have taken up positions out and about. 

Switch back and fotlh among Trevor and Michael to improve shooting points as extra police units show up. Battle your way up the street past the horse shelter to trigger the following target. 

Get to the vehicle. 

A blue blip shows up on your radar, denoting the spot where your group's escape vehicle and driver are holding up close the "Welcome to Ludendorff" sign directly over the T-convergence. More police cruisers show up, so target shooters as you approach the escape vehicle. 

Press the catch demonstrated onscreen to enter your vehicle. This triggers another short cutscene: Michael jumps into the front seat and the driver hits the gas. Sadly, a crew vehicle figures out how to make up for lost time, and officials shoot your driver. Michael slides over in the driver's seat and you assume responsibility for the vehicle. 

Drive to the helicopter get point. 

Here, a lot of onscreen prompts assist you with learning essential driving controls. Quicken and follow the yellow course set apart on your guide. It leads toward your objective an arrival zone assigned for a break helicopter, set apart by a yellow blip. As you approach the little village of Ludendorff, you experience a police detour . Accept Trevor's recommendation and cut a decisive right up the side street, at that point quicken toward the train crossing. This triggers a sensational cutscene: 

The train cuts and handicaps your escape vehicle as it speeds over the tracks. 

Compelled to desert the vehicle, the team attempts to arrive at the get point by walking, yet an expert rifleman wrecks that arrangement. As Brad goes down, at that point Michael, Trevor gets down on that somebody probably talked. 

Hold off the cops. 

Presently Trevor is all alone. In the event that you need more gunplay, use cover and take out the showing up police. Or on the other hand you can simply run to one side to trigger another cutscene: a spectator makes a break from the close by farmhouse and Trevor kidnaps her. The scene closes with Trevor running over an open field with officials in interest. 

Watch the preface's closure. 

The preface closes with a burial ground scene. Deprived friends and family accumulate around a final resting place brought down in the solidified turf at a tombstone that peruses "Michael Townley." Interestingly, the FIB expert rifleman liable for firing Michael walks around the tragic service. At that point Michael himself ventures up to the burial ground's iron fence to take in a touch of the tribute. As the minister so persuasively (and amusingly) puts it: "Father, we don't have the foggiest idea about your boundless puzzles. However, we realize you will show kindness to our companion."

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