February 26, 2020 

General Fixes: 

Players seeing a position reset brief screen after the previous update 

Fixes for Regiment welcomes 

Fix for the Quick Fix Perk not working as planned while utilized as a Specialist Perk 

Fix for killstreaks as yet working in CDL playlists 

February 19, 2020 


Fix for Regiment labels not showing up as planned 

Fix for players accepting the "Jockworth" blunder while in Gunfight Tournaments 

Fix for a bug where numbers in the group program and numbers on the COD Caster minimap didn't compare 

Go-to person: Fix for an issue where Killchain scores were being given for killstreak murders without having Killchain prepared 

Fix for a CDL Gunsmith abuse 

February 14, 2020 


Fix for a bug that permitted players to utilize connections not yet acquired 

Endeavor fixes on different guides and modes 

Fixed a bug that leave a players CDL channel dynamic after they've joined a gathering without CDL channels 

Backend fixes 

December 11, 2019 


General Fixes 

Fix for the R9-0 Smoothebore not showing up effectively in-game 

Fix for the "Smooth Dominator" not showing up accurately in-game 

Fix for the "Warmth Cycle" weapon not showing up accurately in-game 

Fix for a bug where preparing the "Old Wounds" LMG could cause a blunder, showing players out of the menu 

Administrator challenge depictions have been refreshed to show that a particular Operator should be prepared to finish the test 

On the off chance that you arrived at another position while in a match and play out the standards to finish a test you just opened, progress would not show in the UI until you entered another match. We've accomplished some backend work to help improve this. 

Fix for Objective 2 of Mara's Operator Mission indicating a placeholder name 'Desert Work' for the prize 

Fix for Wyatt's Calling Card showing up with the mistaken extraordinariness 

Fix for the Cluster Strike's rockets stalling out on surfaces without exploding and playing circling sound the rest of the match 

Fix for misuses in Special Operations: Survival 

December 10, 2019 



Gunfight: OSP (replaces Gunfight) 

Contaminated (replaces Reinforce) 

New Ground War map, Aniyah Palace 

Bad-to-the-bone Additions: 


NVG Moshpit (TDM, Kill Confirmed, Headquarters, Domination) 

Shoot House all day, every day (TDM, Kill Confirmed, Headquarters, Domination) 

December 6, 2019 



Shoot House all day, every day is back! (replaces Crash all day, every day) 

Taken out night maps from Hardcore modes 

Added Docks once more into Gunfight map revolution 

Added Grazna Raid and Arklov Peak to Hardcore TDM 

Added Arklov Peak to Hardcore Headquarters 


When endeavoring to see weapon subtleties of a weapon in the Missions tab, players will be kicked back to the fundamental menu. This has been fixed. 

Fix for the freight transport cutting through the playable zone on Docks 

Sometimes, players couldn't see or destroy a rival group's Counter UAV. This has been fixed 

Fix for the VTOL sound continuing in the wake of being destroyed 

Fix for an accident that could happen while inclined and terminating the AK-47 with a launcher and the Fully Loaded advantage prepared 

Fix for the "Jack Frosty" and "Old Wounds" world model showing up uniquely in contrast to the Armory/Gunsmith models 

Unique Operations: "Simply Reward" – Fix for the HVT truck colliding with bits of the guide 

Unique Operations: Survival – Fix for the respawn flare not filling in as planned 

November 25, 2019 



Permitting up to 4-player parties in Gun Game 

Moving FFA to the Filter menu 

Fixing participate in advancement for FFA to forestall finding late-progress matches 

Killing generate cameras for Headquarters and Hardpoint 


Taken out infils for the two groups when stacking into Piccadilly, Search and Destroy 

Fix for a bug where the warm optic on the PP19 Bizon would seem white while ADS 

Fix for the E.O.D. perk not permitting players to hack claymores in FFA 

Fix for different boosting and outside the field of play abuses 

Fix for laser sights getting skewed on the P90 and MP5 

Unique Operations: Minor change in accordance with trouble 

November 19, 2019 



Uncommon Operations: Fix for an issue where a player would see no goal subsequent to retrying a mission in the wake of spectating (Operation Paladin) 

CDL: Fix for rulesets in Search and Destroy where Field Upgrades were impaired 

Ground War: 

Fixed a bug that could cause the channel on the respawn choice screen to remain on screen when generating back in 

Fix for an issue where the Select Loadout screen would continue returning after previously choosing a loadout and endeavoring to generate back in 

Fix for an endeavor where players could copy their killstreaks ("Fix for different adventures") 

Fix for the "Blue V" Optic test not showing the legitimate content depiction 

Fix incorrect spelling of "prize" 


The follow difficulties have been fixed: 


"Fighter's Code" 




Official movement "Dispatch Destroys" 

Official movement "Heartbreaker" 

Official movement ""Precision Airstrike" 

Official movement: "Karma" 

Official movement "Very close to home" 



Expanding short proximity harm 

Expanding mid harm range and diminished chest multiplier 


Little decrease to base weapon harm range 

Fundamentally decreased the harm range added by connections 

Little hips pread increment 

Diminished viable harm at the hip 

Model 680: Slight decrease of harm range with all reach broadening connections 

November fifteenth, 2019 

PC Title Update 

Fixes to forestall faltering/hitching during cutscenes; in the event that you actually experience this, if it's not too much trouble let us know 

By and large strength enhancements, including a fix for Dev Error 6178 

November 2, 2019 

Title Update 

More fixes to forestall crashes and improve steadiness across all stages 

Battlechatter has been eliminated from strategic, one-life modes 

APCs and Tanks in Ground War presently don't grant focuses towards a nuke 

Fix for charms influencing weapon execution when discharging from the hip 

Claymores: Stun projectiles would now be able to drive claymores into a debilitated state for 3 seconds 

Strides: Adjustments to tame the third individual strides. They will currently sift through dependent on impediment more. 

Fix to an issue where Tac Inserts could make players generate too far out 

Fix for the gold camo not opening on the .357 

Playlist Update 

NVG Realism (TDM as it were) 

Ground War 


Slaughter Confirmed 


October 28, 2019 

Title Update 

Fix for a Special Ops Achievement that was not opening in the wake of finishing all missions 

third individual strides are currently quiet while the Dead Silence Field Upgrade is dynamic 

Hardpoint: Adjustments to the slope pivots and areas on Arklov Peak, Azhir Cave, Hackney Yard, Rammaza, and St. Petrograd 

October 27, 2019 

Playlist Update 

Digital Attack is currently in the Quick Play Filter 

10v10 TDM and 10v010 Dom presently have their own choice in the Quick Play Filter 

October 26, 2019 

Playlist Update 

Adding 64 player tally Ground War on Quarry 

A fix for being not able to resuscitate in HC Cyber Attack 

Defcon clock is presently 45 seconds 

October 25, 2019 

Playlist Update 

Adding FFA 

Turning on Ground War 

Eliminating 10v10 Domination from Aniyah 

Title Update 

Backend fixes to help forestall against smashing across all stages – on the off chance that you experience an accident, if it's not too much trouble let us know 

Fix for a bug where players could acquire more focuses when shooting explicit vehicles while having Pointman prepared 

Improved ADS while utilizing weapons without scopes on Xbox 

In certain occurrences, a few players couldn't finish the Highway mission because of an exfil bug 

Fix for the "Most elite" challenge not following advancement 

Fix for the "First class Sniper" challenge not showing the right portrayal 

Fix for different camos not opening during movement 

Fix for the open models for the "Betray" reticle not advancing past 4 

Fix for the depiction and necessities expected to open some optic extensions in Gunsmith 

Fix for an adventure in Gunsmith when utilizing mouse and console 

PC Specific 

Dev Error 6065: We're right now chipping away at a fix for this and value your understanding. Bringing down your illustrations settings can help meanwhile. 

Dev Error 6165: Players experiencing this issue should attempt a 'Sweep and Repair' through the Battle.net application. On the off chance that this isn't fruitful, a full reinstall may fix the issue. 

Unfit to get to illustrations alternatives: We're effectively chipping away at a fix for this, yet eliminating the player organizer in Documents - > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare may help resolve until a fix is sent. On the off chance that this doesn't work for you, if you don't mind let us know. 

RTX not working: To have the option to empower RTX, you'll need to have a RTX viable card and Win10 1809 or more. It would be ideal if you ensure you update Windows and your video card drivers.

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