The ceaselessly variable program of PUBG firearms and weapons sets aside a stunning measure of effort to really dominate. Every individual weapon brings to the table a remarkable arrangement of details, shower examples, practices, and different peculiarities. 

Our PUBG firearms and weapons control looks to level out this expectation to absorb information simply a bit, by giving you all the most state-of-the-art details and conclusions on every weapon. So whether you're new to the game and as yet battling to tell an UMP from a Bizon, or you're a more experienced player who simply needs to check up a couple refreshed details, we have what you need. 

PUBG firearms and weapons [Update 6.2] 

A comprehension of the PUBG weapons and how they all contrast regarding dealing with, harm, shot speed, etc is regularly the main factor in whether you endure the impending experiences. Beneath you'll discover nitty gritty details and conclusions on each and every weapon in PUBG, so you can pick up this comprehension for yourself. 

Shotguns – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Attack Rifles (ARs) – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Submachine Guns (SMGs) – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Light Machine Guns (LMGs) – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

DMRs – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Expert rifleman Rifles – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Various Weapons – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Guns – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Skirmish Weapons – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

PUBG Attachments – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Note: since a harm estimation of 100 or above isDBS Shotgun 

Spearheading the arrival of Update 4.3 and its emphasis on expanding the adequacy of Shotguns was the DBS – a ground-breaking Care Package-elite shotgun that bargains super harm per pellet with a more extended successful reach than some other weapon in its group. Its high magazine size and nice pace of fire is offset by an all-encompassing reload time that leaves you especially defenseless. This isn't a shotgun you should consider endeavoring to reload during a tight situation battle – however it's an extraordinary alternative for completing that battle rapidly and neatly utilizing the weapon's incredibly high DPS. 


Here's a shotgun that invests all its energy wishing it very well may be an alternate sort of firearm. The (generally) enormous magazine and high shooting rate provided by the S12K's self-loader nature make it a more sympathetic shotgun than most, and furthermore more fit to taking out gatherings when contrasted with different shotguns; however its reach is low even by shotgun norms. 


The twofold barrelled S686 takes all the qualities of the shotgun as a class of weapon, and misrepresents them. In spite of the fact that it can just shoot two shells before it should be reloaded, you can release the two shots in a miniscule measure of time, and in the event that you land your shots at short proximity, your foe is glue. Yet, miss your shots with this unsteady, incorrect weapon, or get captured at medium or long reach, and your S686 should be a Snickers bar. 


The hawk looked at among you may have seen that the harm details of the siphon activity S1897 are indistinguishable from those of the S686. So which do you take? Indeed, the S1897 offers you 5 chances prior to reloading, which makes it significantly more sympathetic than the impact and-supplicate S686; however its drawback is a revolting six-second reload time, a much lower shoot rate, and the most noticeably terrible scope of any firearm in PUBG (adding Bullet Loops will bring this reload time down to a little more than 4 seconds, which isn't greatly improved, yet may save you if your foe comes up short on a killing intuition). These reasons put the S1897 at the lower part of my own rundown of shotguns, with the arrangement that the others aren't unreasonably much better. 


As I would like to think, the Sawed-off is the solitary shotgun you should take to the end-game without feeling embarrassed about yourself. The purpose behind this isn't that it's especially compelling in the end-game, yet that it involves a gun opening, as opposed to an essential weapon space. Deal with the Sawed-Off like a small scale S686 that does less harm however flaunts a shockingly fair successful reach. 

Attack Rifles – PUBG firearms and weapon details 

Name Ammo Mag Size Body DMG Head DMG Fire Rate Reload 

Aug A3 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 41/29/25/18/18 96/67/58/43 11.6 3.67s 

G36C 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 41/29/25/18/18 96/67/58/43 11.6 3.8s 

M416 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 41/29/25/18/18 96/67/58/43 11.6 2.73s 

M16A4 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 43/30/26/19/19 100/71/61/46 10 2.86s 

QBZ95 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 41/29/25/18/18 96/67/58/43 10.9 3.66s 

SCAR-L 5.56 30 (Ext: 40) 41/29/25/18/18 96/67/58/43 10.4 2.86s 

AKM 7.62 30 (Ext: 40) 47/33/28/21/21 100/77/66/50 10 3.22s 

Beryl M762 7.62 30 (Ext: 40) 46/32/28/21/21 100/76/65/49 11.6 2.9s 

Groza 7.62 30 (Ext: 40) 47/33/28/21/21 100/77/66/50 12.5 3s 

MK47 Mutant 7.62 20 (Ext: 30) 49/34/29/22/22 100/81/69/52 10 3.37s 


Local to Vikendi (see our PUBG Vikendi control for additional subtleties), the G36C replaces the SCAR-L there, and has practically in no way different details, aside from a clever fire rate redesign that puts it on a similar level as our companion the M416. Notwithstanding, to check this, an entire second has been added to its reload time, so you'll essentially have to end the battle before you need to reload. What's more, that may be more troublesome than you might suspect, on the grounds that the G36C isn't as tameable as the SCAR-L or the M416, with a backlash that numerous players concur is hard to get to grasps with. 


The AKM has consistently been a fearsome weapon at each phase of a match, flaunting the joint-most noteworthy harm per hit of all the attack rifles. Limiting harm drop-off, 2 headshots or 5 body shots will slaughter somebody clad in Level 3 shield. In any case, it's an interesting AR to dominate, because of its weighty backlash and projectile drop. Best exhortation is to invest energy in PUBG's preparation mode becoming accustomed to the AKM prior to making a case for it each match. 

Aug A3 

This air drop-select attack rifle is a genuine marvel. The Aug sneaks up all of a sudden and handles effortlessly contrasted with a weapon, for example, the AKM. Its lone disadvantage is that it requires some investment to reload contrasted with a portion of its peers. All things considered, an incredible and excusing rifle which feels extraordinary to utilize – especially when outfitted with a silencer. 

Beryl M762 

The Beryl is effectively failed to remember contrasted with more staple attack rifles, for example, the AKM, M416, or SCAR-L. In any case, the Beryl's DPS destroys every one of them, because of its brilliant blend of base harm and pace of fire. The catch? An appalling measure of force, which implies truly you're bound to kick the bucket to any of the recently referenced ARs than you are to the Beryl. In case you're resolved to utilizing this monster, at any rate connect a foregrip and compensator to permit probably a portion of your shots to hit at mid-to long-run. 


Ahh, the Groza. On the off chance that you just heard a startling rambling sound somewhere far off and you don't know what it was, it was presumably a Groza. This air drop-selective shredder hits with the intensity of an AKM, yet its pace of fire is first in class, in any event, destroying a large portion of the SMGs recorded previously. It takes some becoming accustomed to, and it's best not utilized as a long-range weapon, however in case you're adequately fortunate to run over a Groza, there aren't numerous reasons I can consider not to take it. 


Ostensibly the quintessential attack rifle, The M416 has fair generally details which can be supported to greatness with a full cluster of connections, however obviously don't anticipate that that should occur in each game. When contrasted with the AKM, the M416 bargains less harm however fires quicker and handles better. Yet, fail to remember that. The genuine motivation to cherish the M416 is that it has the most reduced reload season of any attack rifle in PUBG. We as a whole realize that reloading during a firefight is commensurate to squeezing the "murder me currently" key on your console, if you're behind cover. So I think that its ideal to restrict this however much as could reasonably be expected. 


As far as details the M16A4 is close indistinguishable from the M416, with the principle contrast that the M16A4 is a blasted or single-shot-just weapon. In any case, stop and think for a minute: never utilize the burst mode. You can spam-click in single-shot mode and arrive at a similar pace of discharge as the burst mode, without sitting tight for the cooldown after each third shot. So essentially it's a M416 with less connections spaces, and you need to give yourself a RSI to utilize it appropriately. I'm not a fan, but rather there's no denying in talented hands the M16A4 is a ground-breaking near mid-range rifle. Update #27 has additionally been extremely kind to the M16A4, providing it with diminished starting backlash, a more extended viable reach, and the capacity to append both Canted Sights and a Tactical Stock to the firearm to additional enlarge its all around imposing abilities. 

MK47 Mutant 

The Mutant is an intriguing expansion to PUBG's AR program, coordinating the AKM in harm yield yet discharging just in two-shot blasts. This promptly kills numerous players the Mutant, however the two-shot burst makes it a lot simpler to control than the M16A4, and ideal for tapping adversaries at mid-to long-run. Connect a vertical foregrip and compensator to this thing and it'll sparkle like you could never have anticipated. This is a blasted AR for individuals who, as me, don't care for burst ARs. Also, likewise with the M16A4, Update #27 added the capacity to join a Tactical Stock to the Mutant, expanding its force recuperation speed alongside the wide range of various rapid advantages a particularly Stock brings. 


The QBZ95 is restrictive to Sanhok, and replaces the SCAR-L there. I won't invest a lot of energy discussing this weapon, since it is totally indistinguishable from the SCAR-L, the solitary generous contrasts being that the QBZ95 has a somewhat higher pace of shoot and an essentially longer reload time. 


The helpless man's M416 is as yet a really nice attack rifle. The SCAR-L is regularly censured for being simply somewhat more regrettable than the M416 in essentially each and every manner (short the base harm, which is indistinguishable), yet this aside, it's a strong, controllable firearm which can without much of a stretch become a game-ender once redesigned with connections, for example, a 4x extension, c

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